API Reference

Campaign is an Email account that the customer wants to use for Outreach and hence warming Up.

idNumberUnique identifier for the campaign
first_nameStringFirst name associated with the campaign
last_nameStringLast name associated with the campaign
nameStringFull name
emailStringEmail address
status_codeStringCurrent status of the campaign
timezoneStringTimezone information
email_per_dayNumberNumber of emails sent per day
response_rateNumberResponse rate percentage
archive_folderStringName of the archive folder
next_email_afterStringTimestamp for the next email
outreach_todayNumberCount of outreaches made today
response_todayNumberCount of responses received today
smtoObjectAn object containing SMTP settings
imapObjectAn object containing IMAP settings
dashboard_urlStringURL to the campaign's dashboard
created_atStringTimestamp of campaign creation
updated_atStringTimestamp of the last update to the campaign